Jan 3, 2025- Ying's review on protein methylome: Identification, validation, and functional insights was accepted on Christmas Eve and is available online.
Dec 18, 2024- Our end-of-year research treat with a lot of research discussions, delicious food, fun game, professional photographer, and gifts from "Santa"! Also, welcome our 1st year GS - Erwin to join us. Happy holidays!
Oct 3, 2024- Work from Youchao and Akshay explored an efficient strategy to build an adenosine analog library is available in J. Med. Chem., revealing insights into active sites of PRMTs and enabling the discovery of a selective PRMT4 inhibitor. Xu lab at UWM demonstrated superior potency of our PRMT4 inhibitor in cellular and animal models of breast cancer in comparison with existing PRMT4 inhibitors.
Sep 16, 2024-Another paper from Ying this year explores how NTMT1-mediated Na-methylation affects the stability and interaction of PAD1, offering insights into protein N-terminal methylation. Great contributions on proteomics by Wang lab at UCR.
July 3, 2024-Congratulations to our newly minted Dr. Ying Meng.
June 3, 2024-Congratulate Yi-Hsun Ho on being selected as a recipient of a Travel Award by the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry to attend the 2024 ACS Fall National Meeting.
April 25, 2024-Congratulate Emma Seipp on receiving the 2024 College of Pharmacy GS Travel Award, supporting her to attend Gordon Bioorganic Conference in June.
March 25, 2024-Congratulate Regina Nam on receiving the GS Travel Grant from the Purdue Institute for Cancer Research, timely for her to attend AACR meeting in San Diego, CA in April.
March 8, 2024- To celebrate International Women’s Day, a group of female drug hunters shares what inspired them to enter drug discovery and/or what inspires them today on J Med. Chem.
Feb 22, 2024-Excited about our collaborative research on NNMT has received the Innovative Research Award from Rheumatology Research Foundation. Thanks Dr John Varga at U of Michigan for leading the team. Look forward to doing great science together.
Feb 19, 2024-Welcome Simon Angel Henao Toro from National University of Colombia at Medellin to start his 6-month exchange research program
Feb 2, 2024-Congratulate Dr. Huang who has been named the Evanson-McCoy Professor.
Jan 18, 2024-Welcome Dr. Baharul Islam to join our lab from University of Mississippi.
Jan 5, 2024- Cheers to Ying, Iredia, and Noha whose work on Comparative Analysis of Two NNMT Bisubstrate Inhibitors through Chemoproteomic Studies has been published in ACS Chem. Biol.
November 29, 2023-Farewell to Dr. Iredia Iyamu who will start his own lab as an Assistant Professor in the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy on December 1. We appreciate his contributions and are so thrilled for his success. All the best on the new journey.
Oct 9, 2023-Welcome Dr. Shihao Cheng and Regina Nam joining Huang lab.
Oct 6, 2023-Excited about the fund from PIIN-PIDD to work with Chongli Yuan lab using iPSC technology to evaluate our MTase inhibitors.
Sep 19, 2023-Congratulate Bo Yang for completing his first rotation and say goodbye to Javeena.
Sep 8, 2023-Congratulate Javeena who has been awarded an FDA-AACR oncology educational fellowship.
Aug 24, 2023- Bravo to our alumni: 1- Krystal will start as a Senior Associate Scientist at Pfizer; 2- Both Youchao and Dongxing have been awarded the Youth Fund from National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC). What a fulfilling day of accomplishments and pride! Best wishes in their future endeavors.
July 19, 2023-Congratulate Youchao and Iredia whose work on "A unique binding pocket induced by a noncanonical SAH mimic to develop potent and selective PRMT inhibitors" has been accepted by Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B.
July 14, 2023-Greatly appreciate to PIDD for the Rolling HTS Award and EAB/DEC Award.
July 6, 2023-Our manuscript entitled "Structure-Activity Relationship Studies on Cell-potent Nicotinamide N‐Methyltransferase Bisubstrate Inhibitors" has been accepted by J Med Chem. Congrats to Iredia and Tianqi!
June 12, 2023-Thank the PICR for awarding us a Pilot Grant on NNMTi in renal cancer.
June 8, 2023-Congratulate Emma whose work on Design and synthesis of a fluorescent probe to develop a fluorescence polarization assay for the E3 ligase FEM1C will be published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry.
June 7, 2023-Congratulate to Dr. Huang on her COP Bravo Award.
May 30, 2023-Congratulation to Yi-Hsun on the 2023 COP Graduate Travel Award!
May 28, 2023-Our NTMT1 inhibitor work has been chosen as the monthly highlight by the College of Pharmacy.
May 14, 2023- Youchao gave his last presentation in our group meeting before he leaves for his new position as an Associate Professor at Central South University in China. We appreciate his contributions by throwing a farewell party. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
April 21, 2023 - A surprise party to celebrate Dr. Rong Huang's promotion to Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology! We had a blast.
April 9, 2023 - Three professors in one lab. Congratulations to Dr. Youchao Deng and Dr. Iredia Iyamu who will start their own labs as an Associate Professor in the Central South University in June and a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry in the University of Kansas in August, respectively. No. 4 and 5 enter the academia from Huang lab. So proud of them!
March 26, 2023 - We are excited about receiving a 3-year DoD/BCRP Breakthrough Award entitled “Targeting NNMT to inhibit obesity-associated breast cancer development and progression”. Look forward to continue our collaboration with co-PI Dr. Peter Zhou at University of Kentucky.
March 24, 2023 - Congratulation to Ying on her manuscript titled "Site-specific methylation on α-N-terminus of peptides through chemical and enzymatic methods" being published on Methods in Enzymology.
February 7, 2023 - Our collaborative work with Dr. Xiaodong Cheng's lab on "Comparative study of adenosine analogs as inhibitors of protein arginine methyltransferases and a Clostridioides difficile-specific DNA adenine methyltransferase" has been accepted by ACS Chemical Biology. Youchao is a co-first author and Iredia is a coauthor. Congrats!
February 4, 2023 - We welcome Juan Jose Raffaeli Yepes from CES University, Colombia to start his 6-month exchange research program.
December 28, 2022 - Congratulation to Youchao, Guangping, Ying, and our collaborators Nick Noinaj at Purdue. Their work revealing the SAR of Venglustat on NTMT1 inhibition has just been accepted by Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
December 8, 2022 - Welcome to our two first year graduate students: Julian Gonzalez-Cortes and Tianqi Zhao!
October 17, 2022 - Welcome Dr. Ming He joining us to strengthen our biological expertise.
October 1, 2022 - Welcome Dr. Javeena Hussain from UCI to join our lab as a postdoctoral fellow!
September 12, 2022 - Welcome Dr. Akshay S. Kulkarni from CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory to join our lab as a postdoctoral fellow
August 30, 2022 - Congratulation to Guangping, Youchao, and our collaborators Nick Noinaj at Purdue and Adam Yasgar in the NCATS. Their work revealing Venglustat as a substrate-competitive inhibitor for protein N-terminal methyltransferase 1 has just been accepted by Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
August 29, 2022 - Welcome Dr. Noha Ahmed from University of Cincinnati to join our lab as a postdoctoral fellow and Tianqi Zhao to do his first rotation
June 21, 2022 - Congratulation to Krystal Diaz whose F31 application has been selected for funding.
June 7,2022 - Welcome Weiland Wang from Carleton College to join our lab for his 2022 Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)!
May 16, 2022 - Congratulate Yi-Hsun being a recipient of the 2022 Ross-Lynn Research Scholar Fund.
May 5, 2022 - Congrats to Iredia who has been selected to participate in the American Chemical Society’s 2022 Postdoc to Faculty (P2F) Workshop to be hosted in Portland, Oregon from July 29 – 31, 2022!
May 3, 2022 - Congratulation to Emma who passed her OP today to be a PhD candidate now.
Apr 1, 2022 - Congratulate Yi-Hsun being a recipient of the 2022 Gibbs Travel Award.
March 18, 2022 - Dr. Huang's R01 renewal-"Protein N-terminal methylation mechanisms and inhibition" will be funded by NIH/NIGMS. We really appreciate the continuous support from NIH/NIGMS!
February 25, 2022 - Congratulation to Thitiwat Larndate who has been awarded a 2022 Dean's Undergraduate Research Fellowship this summer.
February 8, 2022 - Congratulation to Iredia whose manuscript titled "Exploring Unconventional SAM Analogues To Build Cell-Potent Bisubstrate Inhibitors for Nicotinamide N‐Methyltransferase" has just been accepted by Angewandte Chemie!
February 1, 2022 - Congratulation to Guangping whose work titled "Improved Cell-potent and Selective Peptidomimetic Inhibitors of Protein N-terminal Methyltransferase 1" has just been accepted by Molecules!
January 6, 2022 - Congratulation to Yi-Hsun whose work titled "Effects of Oncohistone Mutations and PTM Crosstalk on the N-terminal Acetylation Activities of NatD" has just been accepted by ACS Chemical Biology!
December 16, 2021 - Congratulation to our postdoctoral fellow Dr. Dongxing Chen to start his own lab as a Full Professor at Tianjin Medical University.
December 1, 2021 - Dr. Huang has received a new R01 grant from the National Cancer Institute on discovery of small molecule inhibitors for NatD. Thanks for the support from NIH/NCI!
November 11, 2021 - Our proposal on DNMT1 inhibitors for neurodegenerative disorders has received the funding from PIDD's programmatic areas. Thanks for the support! We are excited about this collaborative project with Mrs. Chongli Yuan and Yang Yang's teams.
October 23, 2021 - Congratulation to Yi-Hsun Ho, one of the four poster winners in the 41st Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference today.
September 27, 2021 - Welcome Alexa to do her 2nd rotation in our lab.
September 22, 2021 - We appreciate the COVID-19 Research Disruption Fund from the EVPRP at Purdue.
August 16, 2021 - Congratulation to Dr. Guangping Dong for starting his new job at XtaiPi, Inc! We are very proud of what he has achieved with 7 publications over the last six years and a few more coming soon! We also thank Guangping for his many contributions to our lab and appreciate his reflections. Best wishes in the next step of your career, Guangping!
August 9, 2021 - Excited to share the application of Iredia's NNMTi in liver diseases. See our collaborative work with Song lab at UIC in press. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34378991/
July 13, 2021 - Congratulations to Guangping who just passed his Ph.D. defense to become Dr. Dong!
June 18, 2021 - Congratulations to Dongxing and Ying's work titled "Chemoproteomic study uncovers HemK2/KMT9 as a new target for NTMT1 bisubstrate inhibitors" has just been accepted by ACS Chemical Biology!
June 3, 2021 - Congratulations to Youchao, Yi-Hsun and our collaborators in the Marmorstein lab at UPenn. Their work on novel bisubstrate inhibitors for protein N-terminal acetyltransferase D has just been accepted by Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
June 2, 2021 - Congratulations to Iredia and Ayad whose manuscript on A pan-inhibitor for protein arginine methyltransferase family enzymes has just been accepted by Biomolecules.
May 5, 2021 - Congratulations to Krystal who passed her OP today to be a PhD candidate now.
April 28, 2021 - Congratulate Yi-Hsun being a recipient of the 2021 Borch Graduate Endowment Award.
April 22, 2021 - Congratulation to Iredia whose review on Mechanisms and Inhibitors of Nicotinamide N-Methylation has just been accepted by RSC Med Chem. doi.org/10.1039/D1MD00016K
March 4 2021 - Congratulations to Yuanrui on being accepted to MCMP PhD program with Chappelle Fellowship!
February 25, 2021 - Congratulations to Krystal and Ying whose review on Protein N-terminal Methylation has just been accepted by Current Opinion in Chemical Biology.
February 24, 2021 - Congratulations to Pearl Feng who has been awarded a 2021 Dean's Undergraduate Research Fellowship this summer.
February 24, 2021 - Congratulations to Dongxing, Guangping, and Youchao whose manuscript on Structure-based Discovery of Cell-potent Peptidomimetic Inhibitors for Protein N-terminal Methyltransferase 1 has just been accepted by ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. Also, a big thank to Dr. Nick Noinaj, one of our favorite collaborators!
January 25, 2021 - Our proposal of Development of specific and potent isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase inhibitors in collaboration with Dr. Christine Hrycyna's lab in the Chemistry department has received the funding support from Purdue Cancer Collaborative Idea Project.
January 13, 2021 - Our proposal of Protein N-terminal Methyltransferase 1 in Alzheimer’s disease responded to Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery and Integrative Neuroscience joint Alzheimer's disease and other dementias RFA has received the funding. Thanks for the support and we are excited about a new adventure.
January 5, 2021 - Congratulation to Yi-Hsun whose manuscript on development of a continuous assay for NatD has just been accepted by International Journal of Molecular Sciences! www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/2/594. We appreciate the support from DRUG Institute screening grant and Dr. Lan Chen.
December 15, 2020 - Congratulate to Amr who has become a proud dad of a beautiful baby boy Faris.
November 23, 2020 - Huang Lab is very excited to welcome the newest member Emma Seipp to join our N-terminal acetyltransferase project.
November 18, 2020 - Congratulation on Dr. Huang's appointment as a Showalter Faculty Scholar and University Faculty Scholar. Also congratulate to our collaborator Dr. Noinaj who is also the newly appointed Showalter University Faculty Scholar. https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2020/Q4/showalter-trust-selects-new-scholars,-funds-11-early-career-faculty.html
October 12, 2020 - Ayad's manuscript titled "Discovery of a Potent and Dual-Selective Bisubstrate Inhibitor for Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 4/5" has been accepted by Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211383520307656
September 25, 2020 - Dr. Huang is the research spotlight for September at Purdue Life Sciences. www.purdue.edu/research/life-sciences/newsletter/research-spotlight-rong-huang/?dlv-emuid=37a470a3-c920-415b-ab4f-1a0ee8f9b527&dlv-mlid=40205881
September 23, 2020 - Congratulation to Yi-Hsun who passed her OP today to be a PhD candidate now.
September 22, 2020 - Big congratulation to our alumnus Ayad who has been promoted to the Chair for the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Iraq
September 21, 2020 - Welcome Katrina to do her 2nd rotation in our lab.
September 6, 2020 - Ayad's work on Discovery of a Potent and Dual-Selective Bisubstrate Inhibitor for Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 4/5 has been on on bioRxiv: https://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2020.09.05.283978v1
August 24, 2020 - Welcome Emma and Ryan to do their 1st rotation in our lab.
July 21, 2020 - Brie's paper titled "Selective Peptidomimetic Inhibitors of NTMT1/2: Rational design, synthesis, characterization, and crystallographic studies" has been accepted by Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Congratulate to Brie, Dongxing, Guangping, and all co-authors! https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00689
July 1, 2020 - Dongxing's paper titled "Probing the Plasticity in the Active Site of Protein N-terminal Methyltransferase 1 Using Bisubstrate Analogs" has been accepted by Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Congratulate to Dongxing and all co-authors! https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00770
June 15, 2020 - Congratulate to Iredia whose manuscript titled "Development of fluorescence polarization-based competition assay for nicotinamide N-methyltransferase" has been accepted by Analytical Biochemistry. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32622979/
June 12, 2020 - Farewell to Dr. Nazimuddin who will join Boston University for a new postdoc position to fight COVID-19.
June 11, 2020 - Guangping's paper on "Optimization of high-throughput methyltransferase assays for the discovery of small molecule inhibitors" has been accepted for publication in ACS Combinatorial Science. This is a team work with NCATS. Congratulation. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscombsci.0c00077
May 27, 2020 - Congratulate to Dr. Huang who has been appointed as a Purdue University Faculty Scholar. An additional congratulation to being selected as a 2020 Showalter Faculty Scholar. Thanks for the support from MCMP department and College of Pharmacy.
May 13, 2020 - Congratulate to Ying who passed her OP to be a PhD candidate now.
May 11, 2020 - Congratulate to Ayad and Krystal whose review is in press now. 10.2174/1389203721666200507091952.
April 27, 2020 - Farewell to Dr. Zhi Huang who will join UNC for his new postdoc position.
February 26, 2020 - We are hiring a new postdoc fellow.
link: https://career8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=9952&company=purdueuniv&username=
February 21, 2020 - We thank NIGMS for a research diversity supplement to fund our first year graduate student Krystal Diaz for 18 months.
December 19, 2019 - Congratulate to Guangping who passed his OP to be a PhD candidate now.
December 10, 2019 - Welcome two MCMP graduate students Amr and Krystal to join Huang Lab.
November 13, 2019 - Another J Med Chem paper has just been accepted today. Congratulation to Dongxing, Linjie, Krystal, and Iredia! Special appreciation to our great collaborators Dr. Nick Noinaj and his student Ravi Yadav!
October 24, 2019 - Welcome Dr. Nazimuddin from University of Louisville joining our group.
October 17, 2019 - Dr. Huang gave a talk at the Department of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry in University of Toledo.
October 4, 2019 - Dr. Huang presented our work on protein N-terminal methylation at 2019 Protein N-termini meeting. Enjoyed the interactions in the protein N-terminal community.
September 24, 2019 - Welcome Amr Elkabbany to do his 2nd rotation in the lab.
September 23, 2019 - Dr. Huang gave a talk at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Indiana University School of Medicine.
September 2, 2019 - Dr. Huang gave a talk at Baylor Medical College Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology.
September 2, 2019 - Welcome Dr. Youchao Deng from Central South University joining our group.
August 26, 2019 - Welcome Krystal to do her 1st rotation in the lab.
August 9, 2019 - Our first lab retreat is a blast with various research presentations followed by hiking and kayaking.
August 5, 2019 - Welcome Dr. Zhi Huang from Naikai University joining our group.
July 1, 2019 - We thank NIGMS for a supplementary award to purchase a live cell imager to boost our cell-based studies.
June 3, 2019 - Dr. Dongxing Chen presents his work on potent and selective NTMT1 inhibitors at Gordon Research Conference on High Throughput Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
May 1, 2019 - Welcome Dr. Iredia D. Iyamu from Northwestern University joining our group.
April 30, 2019 - Congratulation to our undergraduate student Yuanrui Zhao who has been selected as a recipient for the OUR Scholars Program.
April 15, 2019 - Congratulation to visiting student Congyu Zhang who has been accepted to the PK/PD Master program in University of Buffalo in Fall 2019.
March 18, 2019 - Congratulation to Dongxing and Guangping whose first co-author paper titled "Discovery of bisubstrate inhibitor for protein N-terminal methyltransferase 1" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00206
January 25, 2019 - Congratulation to Krystal who has been admitted to MCMP PhD program starting in Fall, 2019.
January 14, 2019 - Welcome Congyu Zhang from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and Yuanrui Zhang from Purdue University to do their undergraduate research in Huang lab.
December 5, 2018 - Happy to welcome our new MCMP PhD students Ying Meng and Yi-Hsun Ho to Huang Lab.
November 26, 2018 - Dr. Huang's invited review titled "Chemical Biology of Protein N-terminal Methyltransferases" is in press in the ChemBioTalents Issue of ChemBiochem. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbic.201800615
November 2, 2018 - Guangping's co-first author paper on NTMT2 structure is in press now. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-018-0196-2
October 29, 2018 - Congratulation to Dr. Huang on her 2018 Purdue University Seed for Success Award
October 15, 2018 - Congratulation to Guangping whose first co-author paper on NTMT2 structure has been accepted for publication in Communications Biology.
October 2, 2018 - Welcome Krystal from Penn State Univ joining Huang Lab as a lab technician.
August 6, 2018 - Congratulate to Pahul, our undergraduate alumnus, who just started her MD/PhD study at Univ. of Texas at Houston.
July 2, 2018 - Dr. Huang gave an invited talk at Huazhong Technology & Science University.
June 28, 2018 - Dr. Huang gave a seminar at Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, China.
June 26, 2018 - Dr. Huang gave an invited talk at Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, China.
June 19, 2018 - Our proposal of Discovery of Small Molecule Inhibitors for N-terminal Acetyltransferase D has received the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery’s Hit to Lead Program’s High-Throughput/High-Content Chemical Genomics Screening Facility Fund. Thanks for the support and we are excited about a new adventure.
June 11, 2018 - Another co-crystal structure of our inhibitor in complex with NTMT1. Hooray for Dongxing and Nick!
May 17, 2018 - Our first provisional patent application on protein N-terminal methyltransferase peptidomimetic inhibitors has been successfully filed. Congratulate to Dongxing and Guangping! inventions.prf.org/innovation/6782
April 24, 2018 - Congratulation to Dongxing who obtained crystal structures with two of our inhibitors. Appreciate our collaborator Nick for his great effort. Can't wait to see the final structures.
March 16, 2018 - Very proud of Pahul who did her undergraduate studies with us for three years and continues to be successful. https://news.vcu.edu/article/In_Norway_Fulbright_scholar_Pahul_Hanjra_is_furthering_our_understanding?utm_source=VCUNewsNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=VCUNewsNewsletter&utm_content=news.vcu.edu%2Farticle%2FIn_Norway_Fulbright_scholar_Pahul_Hanjra_is_furthering_our_understanding
January 10, 2018 - Welcome Mr. Nathan J. Becker joining our lab to carry his undergraduate research.
January 8, 2018 - Welcome Dr. Ayad Al-Hamashi joining our lab from University of Toledo.
August 18, 2017 - Dr. Huang has received a U01 grant from the National Cancer Institute. Thanks for the support and our collaborators at NCATS!
August 16, 2017 - We are recruiting for Two Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions. Details see www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs/621777-postdoctoral-research-associate
August 15, 2017 - Linjie, Dongxing, and Guangping presented their research at PULSe retreat.
July 3, 2017 - Huang Lab has moved to the 2nd floor of Purdue Institute of Drug Discovery at Purdue University.